If your practice is not growing as quickly as you would like, a lack of efficiency could be holding you back. Cutting out and paring down the time-wasting elements that are slowing you down means you’ll have more time to help patients, more services you can provide each day and more time growing. Here are four ways to increase efficiency in your practice.
Keep Training Your Employees
A highly-trained staff is one of the most crucial elements of ensuring each business day runs smoothly. If there are gaps in your employees’ knowledge, set a day aside and take the time to ensure they receive proper training in any potential office “pain points.”
The more your employees know, the more they can do at your practice, which frees up you and your senior staff and keeps things running. Well-trained employees also make fewer mistakes, which can be costly and time-consuming.
Digitize Your Records
In today’s digital world, practices can store their files online or on a local computer for easy access whenever they’re needed, without a lot of paper records that can cause clutter and be misplaced. You should have a dedicated records system in place for processing new patients, scheduling, cataloging old patients, and billing, and an office manager who is familiar with how it all works.
Use an Online Patient Portal
Many medical practices use an online “portal” that allows their clientele to schedule appointments, receive reminders, and check their medical records. Many portals even come with a dedicated mobile app, which can be downloaded separately to a smartphone.
Using a patient portal, like My Health Record, will not only streamline your operation, it also makes your practice more appealing to a upcoming generation of tech-savvy consumers, who will feel more informed and in control about their care.
Offer Point-of-Need Financing
When someone is sick, it can cause great financial stress. In many cases, procedures can be delayed or even cancelled due to cost. Many people know they need treatment, but they believe they simply can’t afford the financial burden of treatment.
Setting up a chiropractic point-of-sale financing option can help resolve these issues, increasing efficiency for you and providing convenience and peace of mind for your clients. With one quick application, they can find out right from your reception desk if they can get the money they need and what their rate will be. Find out more today with our free demo.